Complete Web Developer Series: Get to know about WWW and Internet (Basic Guide)

What are WWW and Internet?

Hello and Welcome back to another Article - We actually have a couple of great articles coming up about the history of the web and you might be asking again, "Come on, let's get to coding", but this is really important because we need to understand what problems we had in the past and how we found solutions to those problems and where we are at now. 

We need to understand what this whole thing of being a web developer means and what problems we're solving and what we did in the past and what we do today. 

How the Internet was invented?

So today we're going to talk about Tim Berners-Lee, the person who invented the World Wide Web in 1989 and I have a picture of him right here and we're going to talk about him because he's the first web developer. And to explain that concept we need to make a distinction between the Internet and the World Wide Web. 

First internet Demonstration:

I have this website. It's really really good if you kind of wants to get a history lesson. But essentially the Internet started off with the Arpanet in 1969, basically a military project and was more of a test. 

It connected a few universities such as Utah, UCLA and throughout the 70s the 80s. It kept growing but there was one problem that they had and that was essential for the academics. They needed a way to share documents and up until the World Wide Web existed the Internet was there but it was really really hard for computers to communicate with each other to share academic papers between each other. 

Problems in First internet:

Most of the time each computer had its own way of doing things. Or you can think of this as languages so it's kind of like communicating with people from different countries and a language that you don't know. Yeah sure, you can make it work but it's very very difficult. So that was the problem. And Tim Berners-Lee did what he did and he was working at CERN at the time he actually created the World Wide Web and what the world wide web is it's the 'www' that we see whenever we type in over here. 

What is WWW?

Is essentially a common language that computers can speak. With the worldwide web saying hey from now on everybody if we want to communicate together if we want to share images or if you want to share files let's just have this agreed-upon language agreed-upon protocol to share these documents together. So that's what it is those servers the HTML, CSS, Javascript, the browsers all work on top of the World Wide Web so you can think of it as the Internet as your phone and the World Wide Web is Instagram that runs on your phone. 

Decentralized Apps and Websites:

So it's essentially a decentralized application. Now, how is Tim Berners-Lee the first web developer? He actually created the first browser and the first server and later on we're actually going to talk about what he did with the files over here as well. But he created the very very first server and web browser but also the first website. And they actually still have a copy of it. This is the very first website ever and it's from 1991. 


And this is what it looked like, and he created this ability for people to communicate and link to other documents so that we have this growing knowledge base of the world. In the next lesson, we're going to be talking about the history of these files, What they mean, what problem they solved, and how they came to be. I'll see you at the next one. Bye-bye.


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